Why Curls Are Different
Curls are not just a variation of straight hair! They are born different, and born unique. The nature and shape of the hair follicle determines the type and texture of hair. A round follicle produces straight hair while an oval follicle creates curly hair. A follicle that is flat, or flat with a slight curve will produce tight and kinky curl patterns respectively.
All curls, from loose waves to tight, kinky curls, need moisture and nutrients to form and hold their natural pattern. But, because curls have angles, curl cuticles are constantly exposed, allowing vital moisture and nutrients to escape. This loss depletes curls of the internal weight needed to form and hold. Cuticle exposure also allows external elements to be absorbed by the curl, making curls prone to being weighed down by product residues or expansion in high humidity.

Feed Your Curls / Treat Your Curls
The scalp and follicle produce natural oils or sebum that hydrate and nourish hair naturally, by traveling down each strand. But this natural oil has trouble making its way through and around the bends in curls, which cannot be hydrated naturally.
Coupled with the innate tendency of curls to constantly lose moisture due to exposed cuticles, this means that all types of curls lack a degree of hydration and internal weight. So curls need a constant infusion of moisture and nutrients to realize their full potential!
Understanding your curl type will help you properly feed and nourish your curly hair.

The Ouidad Cut
The Ouidad service has four core elements: Consultation: A Ouidad stylist analyzes each client’s unique curl patterns and textures, listens to their history and desires, and formulates a specialized plan for curl optimization. Treatments: Heat-activated treatments open the cuticle and replace essential amino acids and proteins. Once restored, this internal weigh helps form and maintain optimal curl patterns. Trademarked Techniques: Carving & Slicing® is a curl specific hair cutting technique that removes the bulk that causes the dreaded “pyramid”, and enhances the natural curl pattern for well-defined ringlets that fit gently into each other like puzzle pieces. Only a Ouidad Certified stylist who has passed our rigorous program can master and offer this technique. Proprietary Styling Techniques: Ouidad trains its stylists and clients in styling techniques that express and optimize curl patterns. The “Rake & Shake” is a simple yet effective technique that encourages and sets curl formation with just products and fingers.

Our Product Philosophy
Curls have a unique anatomy that creates unique needs which require unique products. Ouidad products are not only formulated specifically for curls, but offer varieties specific to the unique needs of a particular curl type or demand.
All Ouidad products are formulated to constantly replenish lost moisture and nutrients to maintain internal weight. They’re made with only with ingredients safe for absorption, like botanical plant extracts. They are formulated to be breathable, water-soluble, and layerable, to allow curls to achieve and maintain their natural pattern, preserve a healthy moisture balance, and permit multiple products and styles to be enjoyed without creating curl-crushing weight.
Our mission, to help curly-haired people understand and love their curly hair, is behind every single product we make.

Our Styling Pholosophy
Ouidad believes that curls should be freed, expressed, and never suppressed. That’s why our products are designed to be breathable, water-soluble and layerable to encourage maximum curl formation. Our styling philosophy reinforces this belief. Curls should never be beaten into submission with hot tools and heavy straightening. Curls should be nourished, cared for, loved, encouraged and celebrated through various forms of styling and care.